
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Indian Railways to Permit Transfer of Reserved Tickets

Indian Railways have announced that they are going to introduce some facility for passengers to transfer their tickets to their loved ones if necessary.

This news will certainly bring a relieved smile to billions of Indian faces. As of now, a ticket can be transferred to specified  family members or any government employees travelling on duty if the person in whose name the ticket is reserved is holding a confirmed ticket and is unable to travel provided that the transfer is requested atleast 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train.

The new liberalisation will certainly help people to obviate cancellation at the last moment or wasting some tickets in unavoidable circumstances. 

Tickets also can be transferred to fellow students of any government or recognized institutes by submitting a request from the head of that institute 48 hours prior to schedule departure. In the case of a wedding party, ticket can be transferred to another guest or any member of the family against the pre-condition of making request 48 hours in advance.

In the case of NCC cadets, the leader of the group has to submit a request for ticket transfer atleast 24 hours in advance and the transfer is permissible only once, but the number of tickets transferred has to be less than 10% of the total group members.

To get an approval for transferring a ticket, a person must visit the Station Manager or Chief Reservation Supervisor (who alone have the requisite authority to permit transfer of tickets) with an application letter, proof of identity, proof of age and proof of relationship with the proposed transferee. He has to be accompanied by the person to whom he wants to transfer the ticket.

Once the authority is satisfied with the documents, he can grant the permission; changes will be made accordingly but no new ticket will be issued. However  the change can be seen in the final reservation chart prior to the journey in the train. 

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